SIOG currently has two interest groups. The core responsibility of the interest groups is focused on education, communication, advocacy and research in geriatric oncology, in accordance with the SIOG policies and strategy determined by the SIOG Board of Directors.

Nursing, Allied Health and Scientists

Interest Group



The Nursing, Allied Health and Scientists (NAHS) interest group oversees the nursing, allied health and scientist-related activities included in all SIOG scientific, educational and advocacy-related projects.

The governance of the Nursing, Allied Health and Scientists Interest group is composed of:

Young SIOG

Interest Group



Young SIOG comprises junior experts in the field of geriatric oncology (with less than ten (10) years post exit from formal training programme), also members of SIOG, who are working in the field of geriatric oncology. It oversees the young researchers in geriatric oncology-related activities included in all SIOG scientific, educational and advocacy-related projects.

The governance of the Young SIOG interest group is composed of: