ESMO/SIOG Cancer in the Elderly Working GroupLina Silva Salinas2023-04-05T09:47:16+02:00
The goal of the joint Working Group on Cancer in the Elderly is to promote education in cancer topics specific to this population. The Cancer in the Elderly Working Group is a joint venture between ESMO and the International Society of Geriatric Oncology (SIOG) created in 2019.
Activities and responsibilities
To improve management of the elderly cancer patients
To better educate oncology professionals in issues related to elderly cancer patients
To raise awareness on specific needs and requirements related to the management of the elderly patients with cancer
In this E-Learning module, the authors elaborate demographics of cancer and aging, issues related to chronological versus functional age, the aging process and its impact on organs and systems, comprehensive geriatric assessment, prediction scores related to chemotherapy toxicity in older patients and the participation of older patients with cancer in clinical research.
This is an update of a previous ESMO E-Learning module that captures advances in this field occurred in the last several years and now performed within the umbrella of the ESMO/SIOG Cancer in the Elderly Working Group activities dedicated to better education of oncologists on cancer issues in older patients with cancer.
July 2020
Nicolò Battisti, chair of the SIOG Young Interest Group, represented the ESMO/SIOG Cancer in the Elderly Working Group to speak on the management of cancer in older patients. In this video, Nicolò Battisti discusses the challenges of managing cancer in this population and the importance of geriatric assessments to guide decision-making. Nicolò Battisti also outlines the results of four landmark studies presented at ASCO 2020, documenting various benefits of integrated oncogeriatric care on hard endpoints, including severe toxicities, hospitalizations and quality of life.