SIOG 2022 Public Policy meeting: Cancer in the Ageing Population
“Improving relevance of clinical trials to older adults with cancer”
October 28, 2022 – United Nations, Geneva – Switzerland
On 28 October 2022, SIOG convened a multi-stakeholder hearing at the United Nations in Geneva, to discuss SIOG Priority 7 “improving relevance of clinical trials to older adults with cancer”.
SIOG 2021 Public Policy Meeting : Supporting Global Policy for Cancer in the Ageing
“ The impact of COVID-19 on ageing cancer patients”
June 24, 2021 – Virtual
Panel dicussion with participation of WHO HQ, WHO AFRO, WHO PAHO, MoH Philippines, WHO country office for India, School of Medicine – Mashhad University of Medical Sciences Iran, Medical Oncology at National Cancer Institute of Cairo University, ASCO, ECPC, Moffitt Cancer Center USA.
SIOG 2020 Public Policy Meeting : Supporting Global Policy for Cancer in the Ageing
“Impact of COVID-19 on older people with cancer”
September 30, 2020 – Virtual
Panel dicussions for capacity building (skills, education, digital technology) at country level in collaboration with WHO and NGOs during COVID-19 affecting older people with cancer.
SIOG 2019 Public Policy meeting: Global Policy Dialogue on Cancer in the Ageing Population
“SIOG Top Priorities Initiative”
November 14, 2019 – United Nations, Geneva – Switzerland
Since the Global Policy Dialogue on Cancer in Ageing Population in November 2019, SIOG is gratified to announce the completion of the expert consultations of the project. This will not be and in itself, but the beginning of an improved process of building supportive national programmes and international collaborations on both care and research for older patients with cancer.