SIOG Top Priorities Initiative

SIOG Top Priorities Initiative2023-03-16T12:16:52+01:00

SIOG 2022 Public Policy meeting: Cancer in the Ageing Population
“Improving relevance of clinical trials to older adults with cancer”

October 28, 2022 – United Nations, Geneva – Switzerland

On 28 October 2022, SIOG convened a multi-stakeholder hearing at the United Nations in Geneva, to discuss SIOG Priority 7 “improving relevance of clinical trials to older adults with cancer”.

Devex “Opinion: We need to continue improving cancer care for older adults“. Read full article here

SIOG 2021 Public Policy Meeting : Supporting Global Policy for Cancer in the Ageing
 The impact of COVID-19 on ageing cancer patients”

June 24, 2021 – Virtual

Panel dicussion with participation of WHO HQ, WHO AFRO, WHO PAHO, MoH Philippines, WHO country office for India, School of Medicine – Mashhad University of Medical Sciences Iran, Medical Oncology at National Cancer Institute of Cairo University, ASCO, ECPC, Moffitt Cancer Center USA.

The SIOG COVID-19 working group recommendations on the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines among older adults with cancer

Anna Rachelle Mislang, Enrique Soto-Perez-de-Celis, Chiara Russo, Giuseppe Colloca, Grant R Williams, Shane O’Hanlon, Lisa Cooper, Anita O’Donovan, Riccardo A Audisio, Kwok-Leung Cheung, Regina Gironés Sarrió, Reinhard Stauder, Michael Jaklitsch, Clarito Cairo, Luiz Antonio Gil Jr, Schroder Sattar, Kumud Kantilal, Kah Poh Loh, Stuart M Lichtman, Etienne Brain, Hans Wildiers, Ravindran Kanesvaran, Nicolò Matteo Luca Battist. J Geriatr Oncol . 2021 Mar 5;S1879-4068(21)00057-6. doi: 10.1016/j.jgo.2021.03.003. Online ahead of print.

SIOG 2020 Public Policy Meeting : Supporting Global Policy for Cancer in the Ageing
“Impact of COVID-19 on older people with cancer”

September 30, 2020 – Virtual


Panel dicussions for capacity building (skills, education, digital technology) at country level in collaboration with WHO and NGOs during COVID-19 affecting older people with cancer.

Adapting care for older cancer patients during the COVID-19 pandemic: Recommendations from the International Society of Geriatric Oncology (SIOG)

Nicolò Matteo Luca Battisti, Anna Rachelle Mislang, Lisa Cooper, Anita O’Donovan, Riccardo A. Audisio, Kwok-Leung Cheung, Regina Gironés Sarrió, Reinhard Stauder, Enrique Soto-Perez-de-Celis, Michael Jaklitsch, Grant R. Williams, Shane O’Hanlon, Mahmood Alam,m Clarito Cairo, Giuseppe Colloca, Luiz Antonio Gil Jr, Schroder Sattar, Kumud Kantilal, Chiara Russo, Stuart M. Lichtman, Etienne Brain, Ravindran Kanesvaran, and Hans Wildiers. J Geriatr Oncol. 2020 Jul 16 doi: 10.1016/j.jgo.2020.07.008

SIOG 2019 Public Policy meeting: Global Policy Dialogue on Cancer in the Ageing Population
“SIOG Top Priorities Initiative”

November 14, 2019 – United Nations, Geneva – Switzerland

Since the Global Policy Dialogue on Cancer in Ageing Population in November 2019, SIOG is gratified to announce the completion of the expert consultations of the project. This will not be and in itself, but the beginning of an improved process of building supportive national programmes and international collaborations on both care and research for older patients with cancer.

Between 2009 and 2010, SIOG launched a global consultation to identify ten global priorities for progress and development in geriatric oncology. Guided by the feedback from the SIOG National Representatives, a publication entitled The SIOG Priorities Initiative was produced in 2011. The report formulated the outcomes of the consultation and was structured to give an overview of the scope of the 10 priorities in Geriatric Oncology, as well as the potential translation of the priorities into tangible outputs for uptake by health institutions.

To research the new edition of the report, SIOG conducted regional consultations with leading experts in the different professional roles working with older patients with cancer: academics; clinicians; healthcare providers; payers; policymakers; medical suppliers; private sector, think tanks and representatives of patients. The data and recommendations were used to define trends likely to impact the direction of healthcare in the next two decades for older patients with cancer.

For further information on the contributions and survey results , please contact SIOG Head Office.

Watch the meeting highlights here

Policy Review on “Priorities for the global advancement of care for older adults with cancer: an update of the International Society of Geriatric Oncology Priorities Initiative” published in Lancet Oncology in January 2021.

Join SIOG in building stronger health systems for the growing ageing population with cancer. Become an implementor of the next edition of the SIOG Top Priorities Initiative in your region/country. 

Country/institutional participation carries two pronged objectives:

1) Use national recommendations from the SIOG Top Priorities Initiative for increased trained health workforce and quality healthcare management at different levels of the health system, with due regard to the ageing population living with cancer, their diversities in culture, rights to health (affordable access and treatment), needs and expectations for whom these services are intended;

2) Implement the practice for the delivery and uptake of relevant health policies that are compatible with 1) equitable and sustainable development agenda, and 2)  minimised economic burden of health with regard to the ageing population living with cancer.

This project was supported by SIOG, with the help of an unrestricted grant by F. Hoffman- La Roche AG, Basel, Switzerland. Roche had no role in the task force selection and scientific work and output.

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