SIOG 2024 Conference Secretariat
K.I.T Group

Abstract Submission
The SIOG 2024 Annual Conference brings together professionals from around the world to discuss and debate the latest science and research in geriatric oncology. Abstracts are an important component of the scientific programme of this conference and a vehicle to share new research results and findings.
The theme of this year’s conference is “Promoting Equity & Enhancing Optimal Care Delivery”. SIOG welcomes abstracts from all disciplines, especially disciplines historically under-represented such as surgical oncology and radiation oncology. Individuals interested in submitting an abstract can do so in any of the listed tracks, regardless of their discipline.
Thank you for submitting your abstract. The Abstract Submission is now CLOSED.
Poster printing
Please note that there are no poster printing facilities onsite at the Centre Mont-Royal. We have identified a local supplier who can print your posters and deliver them to the conference venue.
DEE Exhibition
Acknowledgement to Abstract Reviewers
The International Society of Geriatric Oncology (SIOG) would like to express its immense gratitude to the following reviewers who devoted their time, effort and expertise to review the abstracts submitted for presentation at the conference.
Anca Prica, Canada
Bérangère Beauplet, France
Cassandra Vonnes, United States
Elisabeth Faour, Canada
Enrique Soto Perez de Celis, United States
Esther Bastiannet, Switzerland
Ewa Szumacher, Canada
Filippo Verri, Germany
Hans Wildiers, Belgium
Heidi Klepin, United States
Isacco Montroni, Italy
Jennifer Lund, United States
Jessica Krok-Schoen, United States
Lucinda Morris, Australia
Marielle Jensen-Battaglia, United States
Martine Puts, Canada
Michelle Hannan, Ireland
Mina Sedrak, United States
Neha Pathak, Canada
Nicole Saur, United States
Nikesha Gilmore, United States
Nina Neuendorff, Germany
Shabbir Alibhai, Canada
Sukeshi Arora, United States
Supriya Mohile, United States
Susie Monginot, Canada
Tamas Fülöp, Canada
Theodora Karnakis, Brazil
Tina Hsu, Canada
Abstract submission timeline:
- 25 January: Abstract submission opens
- 25 April: Abstract submission closes
- 24 April – 8 May: Abstract review
- 3 May: Registration opens
- Early June: Notification to abstract submitters
- 24 July: Deadline for abstract presenters to register
- All abstracts must be written in English in a non-stigmatising language.
- SIOG welcomes multiple abstracts from the same author.
- Make sure to use an active email address that you will be able to access regularly for communication with the Scientific Secretariat. For convenience reasons, you will be requested to use the same email address when registering for the conference to facilitate your identification.
- The majority of accepted abstracts will be assigned to posters. A limited number of abstracts will be accepted as oral presentations in Rapid Fire and Plenary Abstract sessions.
- Abstracts can only be submitted online through the dedicated online system. Abstracts sent as email attachments will not be considered.
- It is the submitter’s responsibility to review the list of co-authors before submitting the abstract. No amendment will be accepted after the submission deadline.
- Define all abbreviations in your abstract at first use.
- Always make sure to check the final abstract with the system’s preview function before submission, and edit or replace as necessary.
- It is the author’s responsibility to submit a correct abstract. Please ensure your abstract does not contain spelling, grammar, or scientific mistakes, as it will be reproduced exactly as submitted. Linguistic accuracy is your responsibility. No proofreading will be done.
- The submitting author is required to ensure that all co-authors and the presenting author are aware of the content of the abstract before submission of the abstract.
With the submission of an abstract to the SIOG 2024 Annual Conference, the submitting author:
- Accepts responsibility for the accuracy of the submitted abstract.
- Confirms that all authors are aware of and agree to the content of the abstract and support the data presented.
- Warrants that the data and conclusions presented in the abstract have not been published in the same format and with the same title prior to the date of the conference.
- Identifies any financial interest in products or processes described in the abstract. This information is to be forwarded to the Scientific Programme Committee together with the abstract.
- States that, for studies involving human or animal subjects, permission has been obtained from the relevant regulatory authority and properly informed consent given where appropriate.
- Accepted abstracts will be published online as a supplement of the Journal of Geriatric Oncology (JGO). The authors give permission for the abstract, when selected for presentation (oral or poster), to be published online by SIOG on the conference website and in any Journal Supplement for this conference.
IMPORTANT: To have an accepted abstract published in the official journal, the presenting author must be registered to the conference by 24 July 2024.
- A main track that is relevant to your abstract must be selected during the submission process. The Scientific Programme Committee reserves the right to change the track during the abstract assessment process.
- Track 1:Clinical trials and precision medicine in older adults with cancer
This track focuses on clinical trials (drug and non-drug), imaging studies, and other precision approaches).
- Track 2:Biology and epidemiology in cancer and aging
This track includes fundamental biology of cancer, epidemiology, and prognostic studies.
- Track 3:Strategies and health services research to improve outcomes of diverse populations of older adults with cancer and their caregivers
This track relates to studies describing or attempting to address disparities and gaps in the care of diverse populations of older adults with cancer and/or caregivers. This track also includes health services research including but not limited to cost-effectiveness and decision-making evaluations in diverse populations of older adults with cancer and their caregivers.
- Track 4:Supportive care delivery in older adults with cancer and their caregivers
This track includes geriatric assessment implementation studies, models of care, and other areas of supportive and palliative care throughout the cancer journey for patients and caregivers.
- Track 5:Education to improve geriatric oncology knowledge and practice
This track includes educational scholarship at all levels with an aim to improve awareness of or ability to better care for older adults with cancer, and educational initiatives targeting researchers, caregivers, patients, patient partners and clinicians.
You have the possibility to submit your abstract to be considered for the Young SIOG Investigator Award and the Nursing and Allied Health Investigator Award. Please do not forget to select the option while submitting your abstract. (Only members of SIOG are eligible for these awards.) Please ensure that you have an active membership before submitting your abstract if you would like to apply for these awards. Membership is not required to submit an abstract, but a multitude of benefits are offered to SIOG members (access to the presentations at the close of the conference for instance). To learn more and join, please click here.
Please find listed below the eligibility criteria for the Nursing and Allied Health Investigator Award and the Young SIOG Investigator Award
Note: Application to the Nursing and Allied Health Investigator Award is open to nurses, pharmacists, occupational and physical therapists, social workers and other non-physician health professionals and PhD researchers.
Note: Application to the Young SIOG Investigator Award is open to Junior experts in the field of geriatric oncology (with less than ten (10) years post exit from formal training programme)
Working as a trainee in any discipline that is related to the treatment of older cancer patients (e.g. surgery, radiotherapy, medical oncology, urology, pulmonology, haematology) and / or PhD student, postdoctoral fellow or researcher
- If your abstract is accepted as a poster, you will be requested to be available for discussion during the corresponding poster viewing session.
Format and technical specifications
To be considered for review, an abstract should comply with the following guidelines and respect the below structure:
- Abstract text should not exceed 1700 characters, spaces included.
- The maximum number of characters for the title of the abstract, spaces excluded, is 200.
- Authors’ names, institutions and keywords are not included in this limit.
- A maximum of 2 graphs, images or tables is allowed per abstract. The maximum file size of each figure/image is 5 MB whereas the maximum pixel size of the figure/image is 600(w) x 800(h) pixels. Tables cannot be bigger than 10 rows x 10 columns. The data and figures in these items will not be considered for the word count.
- Capitals should be used only for the initial of the first word, acronyms and proper nouns.
The abstract needs to be structured as follows:
- Introduction: this section should contain 1-2 sentences that clearly indicate the scientific question of the study and its clinical (or other) importance
- Objective: this section points to what the result of your study will be
- Methods: this section should contain sufficient information to be able to understand the experimental design, the analytical techniques and the statistics used in the study
- Results: this section should contain objective data to answer the scientific question(s)
- Conclusions: this section should provide only conclusions of the study directly supported by the results, along with implications for clinical practice, avoiding speculation and overgeneralization
Only the structural heading should be in bold letters (Introduction, Objective, Methods, Results, Conclusion).
You can start an abstract and decide to finalise it at a later stage before the submission deadline by clicking on the “Save” button. Once you have completed the online submission, please click on the “Submit” button for the actual submission of the abstract. The abstracts not duly submitted by 25 April at 11:59pm CEST will not be considered for review.
The corresponding author will receive a confirmation by email of the successful submission of their abstract. Authors should not consider their abstract as submitted if they have not received any email confirmation, and they are invited to contact
Submitting an abstract for SIOG 2024 Annual Conference does not constitute registration for the conference. Abstract presenters must register by 24 July 2024 to attend by following the instructions for registration on the SIOG 2024 Annual Conference website.
Note: Abstracts of authors failing to comply with the registration deadline will not be included in the electronic Abstract Book of the conference published as a Supplement of the Journal of Geriatric Oncology (JGO). Authors registering at a later stage will still be allowed to attend and present by interacting with the participants visiting the Poster Area and responding to their questions.
For questions regarding the online submission process, please contact
All abstract submitters will be notified in June 2024 of the status of their abstract.
- All abstracts will be peer-reviewed by a minimum of three experts
- Abstract will be reviewed by experts in the field of the submission topic you have selected
- Reviewers may reallocate abstracts to a more suitable track
- The review process will be done electronically
- The reviewers will judge the overall impression of the abstracts by taking into account these criteria:
- Relevance to geriatric oncology
- Suitability of methods to aims
- Conclusions confirmed by objective results, ethics, scientific value, potential clinical value
- Originality of work
- Quality of writing
- You have the possibility to submit your abstract to be considered for the Young SIOG Investigator Award and the Nursing and Allied Health Investigator Award. Please do not forget to select the option while submitting your abstract. Reminder: The Nursing and Allied Health Investigator Award is open to nurses, pharmacists, occupational and physical therapists, social workers and other non-physician health professionals and PhD researchers.
- If your abstract is accepted as a poster, you will be requested to be available for discussion during the corresponding poster viewing session.
- The technical specifications of the poster will be sent to you in your notification letter. The material to mount your poster will be provided on-site.
- Please be mindful of using letters large enough to be readable from a distance of 1.5 meters.
The Scientific Programme Committee will review the posters that will be presented. All posters are automatically eligible for the BJ Kennedy Best Poster Awards for SIOG members. The BJ Kennedy Best Poster Award is a prestigious recognition bestowed upon the most scientifically outstanding and visually compelling poster presentations. This accolade is awarded to the posters that demonstrate a seamless blend of creativity, clarity, and academic rigour. The winning posters are expected to captivate the evaluators with their design, to effectively communicate complex ideas, and to showcase meticulous attention to detail. Two awards will be presented for the best posters with one specifically targeting early career /trainees if the definition below applies to the presenter.
Working as a trainee in any discipline that is related to the treatment of older cancer patients (e.g. surgery, radiotherapy, medical oncology, urology, pulmonology, haematology) and / or PhD student, postdoctoral fellow or researcher.
- If your abstract is accepted for an oral presentation, a PowerPoint presentation template and technical specifications will be sent to you to facilitate your preparation.
Who can submit an abstract?
Abstract submission for SIOG 2024 is open to all health professionals with an interest in geriatric oncology. Oncologists, hematologists, geriatricians, nurses and nurse practitioners, radiation oncologists, surgeons, palliative care specialists, researchers and scientists, pharmacists, social workers, rehabilitation specialists, policymakers and advocates, patients, caregivers, medical students, trainees, etc.
What are the benefits of submitting and presenting an abstract at SIOG 2024?
Submitting an abstract for presentation at SIOG 2024
- will give visibility to your research and will enable you to gain recognition from the experts in geriatric oncology
- will give you a publication opportunity with the inclusion of your accepted abstract in the electronic Abstract Book of the conference which is a supplement to the Journal of Geriatric Oncology (JGO).
- will give you networking opportunities with your peers and experts in your field of interest
- may boost your career advancement or give you collaboration opportunities, especially if your work is recognised with one of the abstract-related awards
What are the abstract submission guidelines?
The specific guidelines are accessible above on this page in the Abstract Submission Guidelines section. Submitters are expected to comply with the guidelines to be able to successfully complete the online abstract form (respect the character count, enter the required information etc.).
What does the abstract submission process consist of?
There is a 4-step process consisting of
- submitting the body of the abstract (Step 1)
- entering the full list of authors (Step 2)
- consenting to the terms and conditions of the submission (Step 3)
- carefully reviewing the abstract before submitting it. No modifications will be considered after the submission deadline. (Step 4)
It is understood that the preliminary step is to read the submission guidelines to prepare the abstract. Once the abstract is submitted, it is strongly recommended that
- you download a copy of your abstract as submitted for your own record. No other copy will be sent to you afterwards.
- you check your inbox or spam for the email confirmation of the successful submission of your abstract.
What are the key dates for abstract submission?
The online abstract submission opened on 25 January and will close on 25 April at 11:59pm CEST. No abstract will be accepted after the submission deadline.
Other important dates:
- Early June: Abstract notifications are sent
- 24 July: Deadline for changing presenting authors and for presenters to register
How can I edit my abstract?
You can edit your abstract any time before the submission deadline by clicking on the Edit button.
I have issues proceeding with the abstract submission.
Make sure you have complied with the submission guidelines and filled in all the required fields. If you still cannot proceed with your abstract submission, please contact for support.
Can I submit an abstract with no results?
Abstracts that will be considered for review should present at least preliminary results.
Do you offer travel grants?
SIOG does not have a travel grant programme. We recommend that you approach other sponsors for support with your participation.
What are the review criteria for submitted abstracts?
The review criteria are accessible on this page in the Review of abstracts section.
When will I be notified about the status of my abstract?
Abstract submitters will be notified in early June.
Can I change my abstract allocation type and date?
It is not permitted to change your abstract allocation. The Scientific Programme Committee reserves the right to allocate your abstract to the type and date that best fits the overall conference agenda.
Can I change the presenting author?
It is permitted to change the presenting author by sending an email to by 24 July. Any changes that will be requested after this date will not be reflected in the Abstract Book.
Can I withdraw my abstract once accepted?
It is permitted to withdraw your abstract once it has been accepted. However, make sure to consider other alternatives such as having a co-author or colleague present on your behalf. If none of the alternatives are possible, inform the Scientific Secretariat at your earliest possible convenience at Note that abstracts already included in the Abstract Book may not be withdrawn.
How can I prepare my presentation?
The preparation of your presentation will depend on the type of session your abstract will be assigned to. In any case, you will be expected to comply with the instructions that will be sent to you.
For posters, you will receive guidelines with the technical specifications, including the orientation and dimensions of your poster, as well as instructions about how the presentation will be conducted (set-up and dismantling times, attendance time for the presenter etc.).
For oral presentations, a PowerPoint presentation template with a mandatory conflict of interest disclosure slide, guidelines with technical specifications and instructions for the upload of your presentation will be sent to you.
How can I request a certificate of attendance and / or presentation?
At the close of the conference, all the registered participants will receive a link to evaluate the conference and request a certificate of attendance once they have completed the post-conference survey.
For certificates of presentation, requests will have to be submitted to