Satellite Symposia
Beyond the pill: Benefits of implementing physical exercise in onco-haematology patients.
10 November 2023
12: 00 – 13:00
Room: Valentia A+B
Track 5: Supportive care in older adults with cancer
This session aims to serve as a forum for experts to share their clinical experience on prescribing physical activity as a complement to onco-haematological treatment, potential outcomes, and how to address barriers and facilitators.
It will consists of two parts. The first part will cover an introductory presentation of the EnforMMa project, and an introduction to the benefits and challenges cancer patients face across all stages of disease, followed by a deep dive on how to optimize and adapt exercise routines to each patients’ capabilities, from a geriatrician’s perspective.
The second part of the session will be a debate in which physicians from different disciplines can share their experience and recommendations according to their own hospitals’ oncology programs. There will be an opportunity to put some of these proposed exercises into practice under the supervision of a physiotherapist specialised in cancer patients, to showcase how to best supervise and encourage your patients to engage in physical exercise.
Target audience:
Haematologists, oncologists and geriatricians
Chair: Dr Raúl Córdoba, Heamatologist, Fundación Jiménez Diaz, Spain
Biography: Dr. Raúl Córdoba is a doctor of Medicine degree with a specialized focus on Hematology and Hemotherapy, working at the Fundación Jiménez Díaz Hospital, with an extensive academic background encompassing a Ph.D. in Medicine and several specialized Master’s degrees. He Dr. Córdoba is engaged in diverse research roles at reputable institutions, primarily centered around lymphoid neoplasms and clinical trials. Noteworthy affiliations include prestigious medical societies such as SEHH, GEHEG, EHA, SIOG and AACR, highlighting a recognized outstanding career in the field.
Presentation ( Session outline)
Welcome and Introduction to enforMMa: Individualised programme of physical exercise for MM patients. A 360º approach, Dr. Raúl Córdoba, Haematologist, Fundación Jiménez Diaz, Spain (5’)
1. Benefits and challenges of exercise adherence in onco-hematology patients
Dr Astrid Teixeira, Fundación Jiménez Díaz, Spain
Biography: Dr. Astrid Teixeira currently holds the position of Adjunct Physician at the University Hospital Fundación Jiménez Díaz. Her responsibilities encompass the Musculoskeletal Unit and Pain Unit from 2017 to 2023. Additionally, she serves as the Coordinator for the Cardiorespiratory/Oncological Rehabilitation Unit. Dr. Teixeira is also actively engaged as a teaching collaborator at the University Hospital Fundación Jiménez Díaz.
2. Optimizing and individualizing physical exercise to tailor onco-hematology patient characteristics across all stages of their disease and treatment (15’)
Dr Francisco Tarazona, Geriatrician, Hospital La Ribera Valencia, Spain
Biography: Dr. Tarazona has made extensive contributions to the field of Geriatrics and Gerontology from his role as Adjunct Physician in Geriatrics at the Hospital Universitario La Ribera since December 2007, and his tenure as Contracted Professor and Practicum Instructor at Universidad Católica de Valencia from 2014 to 2017. Additionally, Dr. Tarazona is a Clinical Vocal for the Spanish Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology. With over two decades of experience, he is also an Editorial Board Member for renowned journals like Clinics Surgery, International Journal of Gerontology & Geriatric Research, and American Journal of Gerontology and Geriatrics.
3. Stories of success: real impact of physical activity
3.1 UEFO. Oncology program at the Hospital of Santa Lucía, Dr Enrique Conesa Segura
Biography : Dr. Enrique Conesa Segura has broad experience in treating patients with critical and respiratory pathologies, including oncology cases, at the Hospital de Santa Lucía. Dr. Conesa Segura boasts a robust academic background in physiotherapy. in addition to being a part-time Medicine student since 2016, and holding a PhD in Pediatric Respiratory Physiotherapy and a certified Master’s in Osteopathy. Additionally, he contributes as a physiotherapist in the UEFO Program (Oncological Physical Exercise Unit), showcasing specialized expertise in the field. Furthermore, as a complement to his professional career, Dr. Conesa Segura holds a canoeing Guinness World Record, along with several European medals in his athletic career, they achieved inter-university champion status in canoeing for four consecutive years with the UCAM team.
3.2. RHeNutrit. Oncology rehabilitation program at the Fundación Jiménez Díaz Hospital. Dr. Astrid Teixeira
Debate (10- 15)’
Track 2: Precision medicine in older adults with cancer
This session aims to increase the awareness of the audience on the identification, treatment and management of CAR-T therapies in the elderly patient setting. Its development will contribute to the generation of knowledge about CAR-T therapy treatments. The main goals of the symposium are:
- to share the benefits of Yescarta in 3/2L of LBDCL in the elderly patient setting
- share the benefits of Tecartus in MCL, a disease with major incidence in older patients.
Target audience:
Hematologists, geriatricians, nurses and other healthcare professionals in contact with geriatric cancer patients.
Advancing Age, Advancing Care: The Role of ADCs in Older Patients with Metastatic Breast Cancer
11 November 2023
12:30 – 13:30
Room: Valentia A+B
Track 2: Precision medicine in older adults with cancer
This symposium will assess the treatment options available for older patients with metastatic breast cancer (mBC), with a specific focus on antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs). The faculty will review the current treatment landscape and analyse the most recent data, aiming to provide education and support to clinicians regarding the application of ADCs within the geriatric population. Furthermore, the symposium will discuss barriers to treatment for older patients with mBC and delve into effective management strategies to overcome them using a real-world interactive patient case as an example. By addressing these crucial topics, the symposium aims to enhance clinicians’ understanding and abilities in caring for this specific patient population.
Target audience:
Oncologists, Geriatricians
Prof. Hans Wildiers, Medical Oncologist, University Hospital Leuven, Belgium
Biography: Hans Wildiers is a renowned medical oncologist focused on breast cancer research. He has been a staff member at the University Hospital Leuven, Belgium, since 2004 and coordinates the Leuven multidisciplinary breast center. Prof. Wildiers has played a crucial role within SIOG, serving as president from 11-2018 to 10-2020, and also chaired the elderly task force cancer of European Organization of Research and Treatment of Cancer from 2009 to 2015. In recognition of his contribution to breast cancer and geriatric oncology, Prof. Wildiers received the B.J. Kennedy Geriatric Oncology Award at the 2023 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting.
Presentation ( Session outline)
1. Bridging the age gap: How do ADCs fit in the current landscape of older patients with metastatic breast cancer?
Dr Etienne Brain, Medical Oncologist, Institut Curie, France
Biography: Etienne Brain is a medical oncologist serving at Institute Curie, France. He earned his MD in Medical Oncology and PhD from Paris-Descartes University, with notable research stints in France and the US. Dr Brain is a board member of the BIG and of the EBCC. He is the Secretary General of EORTC. He is a member of ASCO, ESMO, and SIOG. He’s an author in peer-reviewed journals and his commitment to breast cancer and geriatric oncology research led to recognition with the BJ Kennedy award from American Society of Clinical Oncology in 2022.
Presentation description: An overview of the current treatment options for older patients with mBC, focusing on the latest guideline recommendations and data from clinical trials involving ADCs. While the trials encompassed diverse patient populations, limited data is available regarding the elderly population, highlighting a significant gap in knowledge.
This presentation aims to address the important questions that remain, including:
- How should we proceed in the absence of robust data?
- Can we extrapolate findings from ADC trials in younger populations to guide treatment decisions for older patients?
- What are the appropriate recommendations for this population?
2. Considerations for improving treatment outcomes in older patients
Prof. Johanneke Portielje, Chair in Geriatric Oncology, Leiden University Medical Center, Netherlands
Biography: Johanneke Portielje, holds an MD from Leiden University Medical School. She trained in Internal Medicine at Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) and in Medical Oncology at Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam, where she also earned her PhD. Currently, as Chair in Geriatric Oncology at LUMC, her research focuses on improving health outcomes for elderly cancer patients. She aims to identify predictive factors for treatment benefits in older cancer patients and investigates age-related disparities in cancer development and treatment optimisation. Actively involved in the International Society of Geriatric Oncology since 2012, Johanneke demonstrates her dedication to advancing knowledge in this field.
Presentation description: Older patients are often undertreated or receive non-standard care for mBC due to concerns over coexisting medical conditions, heightened treatment toxicity risks, and frailty. This presentation will focus on ways to address these challenges with the aim of improving treatment outcomes in older patients with mBC treated with ADCs. One crucial aspect is the underrepresentation of older patients in clinical trials, necessitating a closer examination of the considerations required to include this population in future research. Additionally, the presentation will highlight the significance of real-world evidence studies in providing data on the management of older patients with mBC.
3. Patient in my clinic: Effective management of an older patient with metastatic breast cancer
Prof. Hans Wildiers, Medical Oncologist, University Hospital Leuven, Belgium
This presentation will center around an interactive patient case study, illustrating the effective management of an older individual diagnosed with mBC treated with ADCs. The session will involve engaging polling questions to encourage audience participation. The primary focus will be on exploring treatment approaches specifically tailored for older patients who have coexisting medical conditions. Furthermore, discussions will revolve around strategies for managing adverse events that may arise during the course of treatment. By analysing this real-world patient case, healthcare professionals will gain valuable insights into optimising care and improving treatment outcomes for older individuals with mBC.
4. Panel discussion
A panel discussion in which our experts will engage in a conversation driven by questions and comments from the audience.
Join the panel discussion with esteemed oncology experts. Prof. Hans Wildiers, coordinates Leuven’s breast center and conducts academic studies. Prof. Johanneke Portielje, LUMC’s Chair in Geriatric Oncology, focuses on improving elderly cancer patients’ health outcomes. Dr. Etienne Brain is a medical oncologist, currently serving at Institute Curie, France.