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Optimal surgical management of geriatric patients

The project on Geriatric Oncology, held in collaboration with SIOG (International Society of Geriatric Oncology) foresees 4 short podcasts and 4 Meet the experts webinars. Medical practices and knowledge are continuously and rapidly evolving. New diagnostics tests, therapies and recommendations are always added to the market and studies are constantly performed to reassess relative efficacies of current treatment options. Continuing education addresses these issues in order to keep clinicians up-to-date on new information, as well as reinforce quality information. Patients also have ongoing educational needs related to health literacy and understanding treatment options.

High-risk haematological malignancies in older adults, with emphasis on multiple myeloma

The project on Geriatric Oncology, held in collaboration with SIOG (International Society of Geriatric Oncology) foresees 4 short podcasts and 4 Meet the experts webinars. Medical practices and knowledge are continuously and rapidly evolving. New diagnostics tests, therapies and recommendations are always added to the market and studies are constantly performed to reassess relative efficacies of current treatment options. Continuing education addresses these issues in order to keep clinicians up-to-date on new information, as well as reinforce quality information. Patients also have ongoing educational needs related to health literacy and understanding treatment options.

#EUHPP LIVE WEBINAR Shared-decision making in Geriatric Oncology

We invite you to join this #EUHPP Live Webinar co-organised with ACF and SIOG. Health literacy, patient empowerment, shared decision-making (SDM) and patient empowerment are major buzzwords today. For the Anticancer Fund (ACF) and the International Society of Geriatric Oncology (SIOG), however, these represent the cornerstones of a successful, efficient and effective patient-centred healthcare. All patients have the right to receive accurate information about their cancer, their different treatment options and the potential side effects. The Anticancer Fund (ACF) and International Society of Geriatric Oncology (SIOG) are therefore pleased to announce their first collaborative event in 2023. We will be hosting an interactive webinar on shared-decision making (SDM) and patient empowerment within the geriatric population. We’ll talk about the importance and unique characteristics of SDM and challenge all healthcare professionals (HCP) working with elderly cancer patients and their relatives to actively engage them. The team of the My Cancer Navigator [...]

Congrès du GAG et de l’AD-PA 2023

Le Corum Montpellier Place Charles de Gaulle, Montpellier, France

Rendez-vous les 20 et 21 novembre prochains au Corum de Montpellier au congrès co-organisé par le @forumdugag, Groupement des Animateurs en Gérontologie et de l’@AD-PA, l’Association des Directeurs au service des Personnes Âgées. Ce congrès sera ouvert à l’ensemble des professions, aux proches et aux personnes âgées autour d’une thématique commune : LIBERTE, EGALITE, HUMANITE : Tous (ré)unis pour accompagner les personnes âgées dans leurs choix. Deux journées riches et intenses vous attendent avec une collaboration unique regroupant des professions avec des valeurs communes : participation, citoyenneté et approche sociale ! Plus d’informations et pour vous inscrire sur :

Fulfilling the potential of HER2-targeting in colorectal cancer: An update on detection and management

touchONCOLOGY has a new learning activity, which we thought might be of interest to you: Fulfilling the potential of HER2-targeting in colorectal cancer: An update on detection and management Learning Objectives After watching this activity, participants should be better able to: Discuss the importance of and approaches for detecting HER2 amplifications in patients with CRC Summarize clinical efficacy data for guideline-recommended HER2-targeted treatments for patients with mCRC Appraise investigational evidence and future perspectives for emerging HER2-targeting approaches in HER2-amplified CRC Overview In this activity, three experts provide their insights on detection methods for HER2 amplification, as well as the clinical efficacy data for guideline-recommended HER2-targeted therapies and emerging HER2-targeted therapies for patients with mCRC. This activity is jointly provided by USF Health and touchIME. read more

II Simpósio LACOG de Oncogeriatria

II Simpósio LACOG de Oncogeriatria - Bridging the age gap care Venue: Hotel Intercontinental, Alameda Santos, 1123, Jardim Paulista, São Paulo, Brazil. The 2nd LACOG Oncogeriatrics Symposium is aimed at medical oncologists and geriatricians, as well as health professionals who routinely participate in the clinical care of elderly patients. The event aims to provide relevant information on the care of elderly cancer patients, with a practical approach, facilitating decision-making and enabling the appropriate delivery of treatment to these patients. The symposium will feature the participation of big names in the field and a high-quality scientific program. Through this initiative, we aim to fill gaps and deconstruct paradigms in the care of elderly cancer patients. Join us on 8 August // 9:00 am - 18:10 pm // Programme Register for the event here.

10ème Monaco Age Oncologie

MONTE-CARLO CONGRESS CENTRE (Hôtel Fairmont) 12 Av. des Spélugues, Monaco

Monaco Age Oncologie is pleased to announce that its 10th edition will take place under the @SIOG auspices from January 29th to 31st, 2025, at the Monte-Carlo Congress Centre, in Monaco. This multidisciplinary French-speaking oncology congress will represent an opportunity to bring together about 600 oncologists, geriatricians and healthcare professionals interested in improving treatment and healthcare of elderly patients. For the upcoming edition, Etienne Brain, MD has honored us by joining the MAO Scientific Committee. SIOG members can benefit from a special reduced registration fee. More information available here:   #MAO2025 #geriatrics #geriatriconcology #cancer #oncology #SIOG

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