SIOG 2024 Young Investigator Award
The aim of the SIOG Young Investigator Award is to promote research in the field of geriatric oncology and to recognise the outstanding contribution of young investigators in understanding, preventing and treating cancer in older patients.
SIOG 2024 Nursing and Allied Health Investigator Award
The SIOG Nursing & Allied Health Investigator Award aims to promote research in the field of nursing in geriatric oncology and to recognize the outstanding contribution of these investigators in understanding and caring for cancer in older patients.
BJ Kennedy Award Best Poster
The BJ Kennedy Award for best poster will be selected among the posters presented during the SIOG 2024 Annual Conference.
All posters are automatically eligible for the BJ Kennedy Best Poster Awardsfor SIOG members.
The BJ Kennedy Best Poster Award is a prestigious recognition bestowed upon the most scientifically outstanding and visually compelling poster presentations. This accolade is awarded to the posters that demonstrate a seamless blend of creativity, clarity, and academic rigour. The winning posters are expected to captivate the evaluators with their design, to effectively communicate complex ideas, and to showcase meticulous attention to detail. Two awards will be presented for the best posters with one specifically targeting early career /trainees if the definition below applies to the presenter.
Working as a trainee in any discipline that is related to the treatment of older cancer patients (e.g. surgery, radiotherapy, medical oncology, urology, pulmonology, haematology) and / or PhD student, postdoctoral fellow or researcher.
The awards will be announced during the Presidential session of the SIOG 2024 Annual Conference.
Prize: A certificate and free registration to the SIOG 2025 Annual Conference.