SIOG 2024 Conference Secretariat
K.I.T Group

SIOG 2024 Young Investigator Award

The aim of the SIOG Young Investigator Award is to promote research in the field of geriatric oncology and to recognise the outstanding contribution of young investigators in understanding, preventing and treating cancer in older patients.

To be eligible for the award candidates must

  • be a SIOG member
  • be young / new in the field of geriatric oncology and / or working as a trainee in any discipline that is involved with treatment of older cancer patients (e.g. surgery, radiotherapy, medical oncology, urology, pulmonology, haematology, etcetera) and / or PhD student, postdoctoral fellow or researcher (Young SIOG welcomes all SIOG members who feel addressed by these terms, and does not work with an upper age limit)
  • have their abstract accepted at the SIOG 2024 Annual Conference in Montreal.

IMPORTANT: The abstract submitted for the SIOG Young Investigator Award must not have been published, nor submitted for publication for another meeting or publication.

Applicants should submit their abstract to the SIOG 2024 Annual Conference by April 18, 2024 midnight CEST. They need to select “SIOG Young Investigator Award” within the submission process.

Applicants should also submit to  by April 18, 2024:

  • a letter of intent
  • a copy of their submitted abstract (final submission pdf file with abstract identifier)
  • a one-page CV (education with appropriate dates, current position, research activity including grants awarded, and relevant publications)
  • give the title of their PhD and the date it was obtained

Applicants will be notified in July 2024 if they have been listed as finalists for the SIOG 2024 Young Investigator Award.

Finalists will present their work within one of the abstract sessions during the SIOG 2024 Annual Conference in Montreal, Canada. Based on the presentation, members of the Scientific programme committee (judging panel) will select the winner to be announced at the Presidential session on October 19, 2024.

Selected for the outstanding quality of their work, three Young Investigators will be competing for this prestigious SIOG Award presenting their original research in front of the conference delegates and members of the Scientific Programme Committee.

Applications will be judged on:

  • The scientific merit of the abstract
  • The quality and originality of the manuscript
  • The oral abstract presentation

IMPORTANT: As the SIOG Young Investigator Award is judged in part on the presentation of the finalist’s work at the scientific session taking place at the Annual Conference, the finalists must be the presenters of their submission and no alternates or proxy will be allowed.

The winner of the SIOG Young Investigator Award receives an award certificate and a free registration for the SIOG 2025 conference. The prize will be awarded during the Presidential session of the SIOG 2024 Annual Conference in Montreal, Canada. The 2 other finalists will each receive an award certificate and a free 1-year SIOG membership.

All awardees will be announced in the Scientific Programme of the SIOG 2024 Annual Conference as SIOG 2024 Young Investigator Award finalists.

IMPORTANT: When submitting an abstract for the SIOG Young Investigator Award, the first winner commits to submitting the full manuscript pertaining to the presented research for consideration for publication in the Journal of Geriatric Oncology – the official journal of SIOG.

SIOG 2024 Nursing and Allied Health Investigator Award

The SIOG Nursing & Allied Health Investigator Award aims to promote research in the field of nursing in geriatric oncology and to recognize the outstanding contribution of these investigators in understanding and caring for cancer in older patients.

To be eligible for the award candidates must

  • be a SIOG member
  • be the principal investigator for an original research project in the area of nursing or another allied health profession
  • have their abstract accepted at the SIOG 2024 Annual Conference in Montreal

IMPORTANT: The abstract submitted for the SIOG Nursing & Allied Health Investigator Award must not have been published, nor submitted for publication for another meeting or publication.

Applicants should submit their abstract to the SIOG 2024 Annual Conference by April 18, 2024 midnight CEST. They need to select “SIOG Nursing and Allied Health Investigator Award” within the submission process.

Applicants should also submit to by April 18, 2024:

  • a letter of intent
  • a copy of their submitted abstract (final submission pdf file with abstract identifier)
  • a one-page CV (education with appropriate dates, current position, research activity including grants awarded, and relevant publications)
  • and clearly state if they are nurse or allied professional (specify which allied profession)

Applicants will be notified in July 2024 if they have been listed as finalists for the SIOG Nursing and Allied Health Investigator Award.

Finalists will present their work within one of the abstract sessions during the SIOG 2024 Annual Conference in Montreal, Canada. Based on the presentation, members of the Scientific programme committee (judging panel) will select the winner, who will be announced at the Presidential session on October 19, 2024.

Selected for the outstanding quality of their work, three Nursing and Allied Health investigators will be competing for this prestigious SIOG Award presenting their original research at SIOG 2024.

Applications will be judged on:

  • The scientific merit of the abstract
  • The quality and originality of the manuscript
  • The oral abstract presentation

IMPORTANT: As the SIOG Nursing and Allied Health Investigator Award is judged in part on the presentation of the finalist’s work at the scientific session of the SIOG Annual Conference, the finalists must be the presenters of their submission and no alternates or proxy will be allowed.

The winner of SIOG Nursing and Allied Health Investigator Award receives an award certificate with a free registration for the SIOG 2025 conference. The prize will be awarded during the Presidential session of the SIOG 2024 Annual Conference in Montreal, Canada. The 2 other finalists will each receive an award certificate and a free 1-year SIOG membership.

All finalists will be announced in the Scientific Programme of the SIOG 2024 Annual Conference as SIOG 2024 Nursing and Allied Health Investigator Award finalists.

IMPORTANT: When submitting an abstract for the SIOG Nursing and Allied Health Investigator Award, the first winner commits to submitting the full manuscript pertaining to the presented research for consideration for publication in the Journal of Geriatric Oncology – the official journal of SIOG.

BJ Kennedy Award Best Poster

The BJ Kennedy Award for best poster will be selected among the posters presented during the SIOG 2024 Annual Conference.

All posters are automatically eligible for the BJ Kennedy Best Poster Awardsfor SIOG members.

The BJ Kennedy Best Poster Award is a prestigious recognition bestowed upon the most scientifically outstanding and visually compelling poster presentations. This accolade is awarded to the posters that demonstrate a seamless blend of creativity, clarity, and academic rigour. The winning posters are expected to captivate the evaluators with their design, to effectively communicate complex ideas, and to showcase meticulous attention to detail Two awards will be presented for the best posters with one specifically targeting early career /trainees if the definition below applies to the presenter.

Working as a trainee in any discipline that is related to the treatment of older cancer patients (e.g. surgery, radiotherapy, medical oncology, urology, pulmonology, haematology) and / or PhD student, postdoctoral fellow or researcher.

The awards will be announced during the Presidential session of the SIOG 2024 Annual Conference.

Prize: A certificate and free registration to the SIOG 2025 Annual Conference.


October 17, 2024

October 19, 2024

Centre Mont-Royal, Montreal, Canada

Days before event