The SIOG Country Group is a subset of the SIOG National Representatives and acts as an advisory group representing the national context and agenda of geriatric oncology programmes in each country. It provides specific recommendations and opinions and is formally led and consulted by the SIOG NR on the SIOG Annual Work Plan. Its members act as an interface with relevant institutions, stakeholders in their countries. More specifically, the members:

  • Provide opinions on SIOG achievements, progress and efforts in the national contexts
  • Ensure the scientific priorities are in line with national research agenda
  • Look for potential synergies and prevent redundancies or duplication of national initiatives

India Country Group

A group dedicated to exploring the problems faced by older cancer patients in India.

UK Country Group

A group dedicated to exploring the problems faced by older cancer patients in the United Kingdom.

Switzerland Country Group

Switzerland Country Group

A group dedicated to exploring the problems faced by older cancer patients in Switzerland.

The Netherlands Country Group

The Netherlands Country Group

A group dedicated to exploring the problems faced by older cancer patients in the Netherlands.